Any Day Now – Screening/Q&A with Fine, Bloom and Cumming
Monday, November 12
7:00?10:00 p.m. – Writers Guild Theater, 135 S. Doheny Dr., Beverly Hills 90211.
RSVP: Diversity@wga.org with “Any Day” as subject. Hosted parking in theater
structure. Q&A with Travis Fine, George Arthur Bloom, and Alan Cumming
immediately follows. Kept up all night by his neighbor’s music, Rudy (Alan
Cumming) discovers his neighbor’s son Marco, a teenager with Down syndrome,
is left alone by his drug addicted mother with only the blaring stereo to keep him
company. Family Services takes Marco, but Rudy sees him on the street and
brings him home, where Rudy and his closeted district attorney partner, Paul,
become the stable family environment Marco’s never had. When authorities
discover Rudy and Paul are gay, the men battle a biased legal system to adopt the
child they love as their own. Inspired by a true story.
Co?hosts: WGAW Writers with Disabilities and Gay & Lesbian Writers
Committees. Info: (323) 782?4589.