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Business Plans for Film Investors Workshop

From our Friends at Infolist.comNEXT FILM offers weekly workshops at CBS Radford Studios with hands-on training and networking opportunities This week’s workshop BUSINESS PLANS FOR FILM INVESTORS with PRODUCER ANNE MARIE GILLEN (Fried Green Tomatoes, Under Suspicion, etc.) SATURDAY, August 10th, 2013 9am – 12pm at CBS Radford Studios 4024 Radford Avenue Studio City, CA 91604 OR ALSO available to be viewed as ONLINE STREAMING if you’re out of the Los Angeles area, or not able to attend the live event!

A concise, thorough and compelling business plan is the essential document necessary to raise the funding to make your film.  You must think like an investor to attract the investor.  This workshop will be a step-by-step guide of all necessary sections for a winning business plan.A clear understanding of the 3 absolutes of every Business Plan will be explored: *  Money In *  Money Out *  Why you – Why this Project? By the end of this class, you will know: *  All the necessary sections of a business plan *  How to track comparable films to analyze the target audience and potential revenue for your film *  The language of film financing and investors *  How to mitigate the high risk of film investing SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR!! Be sure to use discount code INFOLIST when you register at the link below, and get $10 OFF!!  That’s just $25 (normally $35!) for a morning with producer Anne Marie Gillen!REGISTER NOW: We will fill up fast – be sure to use your discount code INFOLIST when you register at: Requirements: Bring something to take notes. ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Anne Marie Gillen is the entertainment industry’s premier COACH?SULTANT: the rarecombination of real-world experienced Consultant & insightful Coaching master. As a producer, she has produced films ranging from studio fare (Fried Green Tomatoes), to passion projects (Under Suspicion starring Morgan Freeman & Gene Hackman) and low-budget indies (Into Temptation, starring Jeremy Sisto & Kristin Chenoweth).  Ms. Gillen is the co-author of the 3rd edition of The Producer’s Business Handbook – published by Focal Press and co-branded by Variety.  She is a Master Practitioner of the Energy Leadership Index, as well as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) and accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). REGISTER NOW: We will fill up fast – be sure to use your discount code INFOLIST when you register at:


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