Three-Day Conference to be Held in the Anchor of the Furniture and Decorative Arts District in Downtown Los Angeles
March 27-29, 2013 “The Lodge” in the LA Mart
The Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Collective and SoCal Lady Bloggers today announced the dates and location of the Fourth Annual Lifestyle Bloggers National Conference & Blogger Junket™ (#LALLBLOG14); Which takes place March 27-29, 2013 at the “The Lodge” in the LA Mart.
Nationally-recognized Lifestyle-industry professionals are scheduled to lead workshops and to help kick-off the three-day event, which includes Chef meet-and-greets, pop-up shops and the exclusive Blogger Junket™.
“We are proud to be organizing this boutique bloggers conference,” said Carolyn West, Founder and CEO, Southern California Lady Bloggers, “Bloggers will learn to build their brand and hone their craft when they attend this unique three-day conference.”
Additional event highlights include the following:
VIP KICK-OFF & HAPPY HOUR –– In collaboration with leading lifestyle and restaurant partners, the kick-off will provide bloggers, organizers and sponsors the opportunity to network in a casual setting.
WORKSHOPS: FROM BLOG INSPIRATION TO BLOGGING FOR BUSINESS – – Conference workshops are limited to 150 blogger attendees to create a comfortable and small-group, collaborative learning setting that specifically addresses Lifestyle Blogger needs.
SHOPPING EXCURSION – – LA Mart representatives will lead conference attendees on a private tour of the LA Mart and its exclusive brands, to preview the new products and ideas that define today’s Southern California lifestyle.
BLOGGER JUNKET™ – – In this unique networking concept, brands and agencies apply for the opportunity to meet one-on-one with blogger attendees to discuss and plan for future collaboration opportunities – privately.
In anticipation of the Fourth Annual Lifestyle Bloggers National Conference & Blogger Junket™ (#LALLBLOG14), the first #LALLBLOG14 Tweet-chat is scheduled for Wednesday, August 21st, from 6:00 p.m. PST/9:00 p.m. EST to 7:00 p.m. PST/10 p.m. EST. The #LALLBLOG14 Tweetchat will countdown to the conference and will highlight conference activities.
About the Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Collective
The Latina Lifestyle Blogger Collective is an international network of more than 400 curated Lifestyle Bloggers, that provides a platform that encourages members to share accomplishments, resources and tools with fellow bloggers. The Collective offers online and offline member collaboration opportunities, and shares brand to blogger, agency to blogger, and/or blogger to blogger partnerships. Collaboration with SoCal Lady Bloggers, Fitfluential, Blog Trends, and Social Moms, extends the collectives reach, while partnerships with CityBlis, Latino Fashion Week and Latina Magazine, provides business opportunities for our blog members. For more information about the Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Collective, visit
About SoCal Lady Bloggers
SoCal Lady Bloggers is a localized network of over 400 influential women bloggers in Southern California. Created to serve the networking, educational and business needs of bloggers, our network encompasses lifestyle, parenting, food, and fashion and beauty bloggers. Contact us to learn how we can help you with targeted events, social media outreach and brand campaigns at Copyright © 2013 Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Group, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Group on Facebook.
Mailing address is: Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Group C/O padma media and marketing, Inc. 1450 Second St., Suite 112 Santa Monica, CA 90401
Follow your #llblog community news on Twitter by following @LatinaLifestyle and the following hashtags:
#llblog (Community News) #lallblog14 (Los Angeles Conference)
