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Romance Scripts Wanted With Asian Female Lead

1) Nexus Entertainment – Seeking Female Asian Romance Scripts ————— We are looking for completed feature-length romance scripts featuring a female Asian or Asian-American lead character, with stories set in the US.  Please note, we are only looking for material that was specifically written with a female Asian or Asian-American character in mind, and we are NOT interested in material that could be “easily adapted to fit.” Budget will not exceed $1million. Only non-WGA should submit at this point in time. Our credits include A Gangland Love Story and the upcoming Dysfunctional Friends, among others.TO SUBMIT: 1. Please go to 2. Enter your email address (you will be signing up for InkTip’s newsletter – FREE!) 3. Copy/Paste this code: 6fdy7gfzb7 4. You will be submitting a logline and synopsis only.IMPORTANT:  Please ONLY submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for EXACTLY.This announcement brought to you by Jeff Gund at


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