Filmmaker Hugo Fernandez becomes only Latino to be selected by Robert Rodriguez and AMD to be among five most visionary directors in the United States and Canada.
Levittown,N.Y.,– When the Census in 2010 demonstrated the Latino population grew four times more than any other group, subsequently becoming the 2ndlargest group amassing an estimated 50 million in the United States, Latino demographic became a paramount focus for the entertainment industry.

Hugo Fernandez
This focus has culminated into Machete Kills/Sin City director Robert Rodriguez launching his action genre English speaking Latino channel El Rey Network. The network will be featured by Comcast and implemented by newly appointed CEO Antoinette Zel. In Robert Rodriguez’s search for new visionaries, He and AMD selected five winners for Visionary Young director awards. Colombian-American Director Hugo Fernandez became the sole Latino to be selected for U.S. and Canada’s five most visionary young directors by way of his conceptual trailer Inzombnia, A Latino action/drama set in a zombie apocalypse featuring a frightening new evolved interpretation of the zombie genre.
Hugo is a NYC filmmaker/musician who directed and scored the up and coming series Inzombnia. His background in filmmaking commenced with directing “Erza fear of a faceless God”, A full feature music video for his band’s first album Fear of a Faceless God. Hugo performed vocals, guitar, piano, and produced Erza with an interesting new business model, selling videos instead of music. His band Erza released only a movie/video featuring a score consisting of only their songs. The full feature music video/film was picked up by Gravitas Ventures and currently sold by MTV Network’s
As a director, Hugo finalized directing a 2nd full feature film A Good Dad presented at Tribeca theatres for New York’s Big Apple Film Festival. When asked what he thinks will become of his future, “If Robert Rodriguez’s El Rey Network programmed my work it would be a true honor and dream come true. But nuvoTV and Jennifer Lopez are also programming Latino Entertainment so I’d be honored anywhere I’m hired. Latino entertainment is my life. At the moment I’m focused on building an exciting new Latino focused horror genre network Horror X, so I’m all about the full steam ahead thing.”
#Latinofilmdirectors #Latinoindependentdirectors #LatinoDirectors #Hispanicfilmhelmers #AMDVisionaryAwards #HugoFernandezsAGoodDadfilm #Latinosinfilm #Latinosinentertainment #LatinHeatEntertainment #HispanicDirectors #latinosinhollywood #Latinofilmhelmers #RobertRodrigueznominatesHugoFernandezforAMDsVisionaryAwards