’57 Chevy Performed by Ric Salinas
An autobiographical story of a young man’s journey, in the back seat of his father’s baby blue 1957 Chevy, traversing both physical and cultural borders, beginning from Mexico City to the USA, and later from the cultural diverse inner-city (South Central Los Angeles) to the “sameness” of the middle class suburbs (San Fernando Valley). The Franco family find themselves having to navigate and confront the challenges of being the only Mexican family in a predominantly Anglo community during the 1960s. Layered with comedy, history, heart, and drama, this is truly a Mexican American story of twentieth century USA. Written by Emmy-winning writer, Cris Franco, and performed by Ric Salinas of the critically acclaimed performance group, Culture Clash. Take a seat, buckle up, and get ready to cruise in a ’57 Chevy! Don’t miss the Texas premiere of this family-friendly play. Performed in English with some Spanglish.
Written by Cris Franco
Directed by Valerie Dunlap
Dates and Times:
Friday September 23, 2016 at 8 p.m.
Saturday September 24, 2016 at 8 p.m.
Admission: $20 at the door
$15 online presale
$10 seniors / students (with ID)
Location: MECA 1900 Kane Street / Houston, Texas 77007 Houston, Texas
MECA is a co-commissioner of ’57 CHEVY as part of the National Performance Network Creation Fund. Ric Salinas and Cris Franco will be in residence at MECA with support in part from National Performance Network.

’57 CHEVY is a National Performance Network (NPN) Creation Fund Project co-commissioned by MECA in partnership with Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana (MACLA) of San José, California and Brava Theater Center of San Francisco, California, and NPN. The Creation Fund is supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts (a federal agency). This project is also made possible by support from the NPN Performance Residency Program. For more information: www.npnweb.org.