This Christmas Laugh Yourself Silly and Find the True Meaning of Christmas in The Latina Christmas Special playing till December 20th at LATC

(l to r) Diana Yanez & Maria Russell (Photo by Xavi Moreno)
REVIEW: By Bel Hernandez
This holiday season actresses Diana Yanez, Maria Russell and Sandra Valls provide the Christmas cheer at the Los Angeles Theater Center (LATC) via The Latina Christmas Special. While gathered for a Christmas celebration the ladies reminice about their unique Mexican, Cuban and Mexican/Lithuanian family celebrations, all the while they exchange gifts, decorate the tree, do Tequila shots, and laugh themselves silly. All the audience needed to break that theater “fourth wall” and join the party on stage, was a shot of tequila! The Latina Christmas Special runs until December 20th, but hurry they are selling out with the last performance being on December 20th. For tickets and more info
I remember how much I enjoyed and laughed when I first saw The Latina Christmas Special during its world premeire in 2013 at The Elephant Theater Company in Hollywood. The LATC production of The Latina Christmas Special under the direction of Geoffrey Rivas continues to make audiences laugh, touch their heart and remind you to hold family close.
Diana Yanez, born and raised in Miami, FL is an internet sensation with her YouTube videos getting over 15 million views. Yanez is the creator of The Latina Christmas Special as well as one of the actresses. She kicks off the show regaling us about her Cuban family Christmas celebrations in Miami. According to Yanez, they just didn’t match up with the classic Christmas stories she loved, like A Wonderful Life and White Christmas. Yanez wondered why instead of snow, turkey and the serenity of the perfect Rockwell Christmas, in Miami she got snow in a can, heat, and Cuban food instead of turkey. The loudness, the family drama and the hilarity of an unwelcome guest while playing a board game, put a whole different spin to Christmas cheer.

(l to r) Diana Yanez, Maria Russell & Sandra Valls (Photo by Xavi Moreno)
Maria Russell is an accomplished Salsa dancer and actress. A special bond exists between Maria and her Mexican mom who, to say is devoted to her little girl, would be an understatement. Marrying at the young age of 31, her mother finally forgives her for deserting her. Her Lithuanian dad takes a back seat in her Christmas stories, which were filled with lots of tamales, Mexican gritos, drunk crying macho men and at the center of it all was little Maria, a self-described Mexiuanian. Maria was the holiday entertainment for the holiday gatherings, showing off her training in classical Russian Ballet, Jazz and Hip-hop, dancing to Sex Shooter at at the young age of 11.
Comedian Sandra Valls, voted as one of the 33 Bad Ass Comics with Latin Roots by Latina Magazine, closes out the show with a Christmas story that touches your heart and takes you on an emotional ride through the “beautiful” memories of her childhood. From the start of her story, she has the audience in stitches laughing about her family’s gift giving ritual and her yearning for that special gift that would validate her. We get to know her mom, who knew her secret, and her younger sister who be the designated re-gifted with the gifts that just weren’t the right ones for her. Valls deftly uses laughter to let the audience into her young self’s inner soul, whether the memories were the good or painful ones.

The real Christmas spirit is never more evident in Valls’ piece that clearly shows us tho it is laughter or pain, in the end what is most important is the family you make those holiday memories with.
Under Rivas’s direction The Latina Christmas Special has a richer feel. However, it is Valls’ story where Rivas directing strength lies. He has taken that piece and made it more of a jewel than I remember. Ending with this story, makes the Christmas messege more poignant. Although not your feel good “Christmas-y” ending, it is the perfect way to say “Happy Holidays” and reminding you to cherish your family and the Christmas memories you will make this year.
The Latina Christmas Special is a presentation of The Los Angeles Theater Center under the direction of Geoffrey Rivas. Created by Diana Yanez, starring Diana Yanes, Maria Russell and Sandra Valls. Set designer is Michael Navarro; Lighting by Julian Fernandez; Sound Designer, Ivan Robles; and VIdeo Projection by Yee Eun Nam
The Latina Christmas Special runs at the Los Angeles Theater Center, til December 20, 2015
Performances: Thursday – Saturday 8pm, Sunday 3pm
Monday Night Performances: December 7 & 14 at 7:30PM
Wednesday Night Performance: December 9 at 8pm. No performances 12/10 & 12/12
General Admission $30; Students, Seniors, Veterans $22; Groups 10+ $20
The Los Angeles Theatre Center
514 S. Spring St., Historic Core, Downtown L.A. 90013
TIckets by be purchased by calling (866) 811-4111 or online