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Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Voted Sexiest Couple

Torn off  Page 6

Page Six readers voted online and on social media for which stars rode the crest of a wave this summer, and who sank like the Titanic. The results are in!

Summer’s winner: J-Rod

The world’s sexiest couple — Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez — have sizzling chemistry despite being a pairing that could have been created in a p.r. pro’s branding dreams. This week, readers’ favorite dynamic duo posted a video of themselves working out, and even that somehow managed to come off as charming amid all those abs as J.Lo rode on A-Rod’s back during a pushup routine.

Summer’s biggest loser: Kathy Griffin

The comedienne managed to edge out Anthony Scaramucci to be named the dog-day dud. After her tearful apology for posting a tasteless mock photo of her holding the decapitated head of President Trump, the comic took it back this week. “I am no longer sorry. The whole outrage was BS.” The people disagree.

Page Six TV premieres in national syndication on Monday, September 18th.  Check local listings.


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