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HBO Schedules Monday Doc Night Year Round

New York, NY —  With the popularity of nonfiction filmmaking increasing, HBO has created a regular slot for documentaries, featuring debuts of new original films along with timely encore presentations every Monday night.

The Monday night slot kicked off last week with Ben Cotner and Ryan White’s The Case Against 8, followed by Doug Block’s 112 Weddings, which debuts tonight.  Other new films include: Kate Davis and David Heilbroner’s The Newburgh Sting (July 21), Valerie Veatch’s Love Child (July 28), Peter Kunhardt’s Nixon by NixonIn His Own Words (Aug. 4), Jeremiah Zagar’s Captivated The Trials of Pamela Smart (Aug. 18) and Ben Steele’s Hunted: The War Against Gays in Russia (fall).


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