Rendition Films – Seeking Female-Driven Thriller Scripts
We are looking for completed feature-length, female-driven thriller or female-driven crime/thriller scripts.
Scripts should be “woman in peril/woman in jeopardy” stories with a female lead protagonist, age 35 and older. A supporting female character 20 and under such as her teen daughter would also be great.
Though not necessary, preference is given to stories that are “ripped from the headlines.” Something that made the news within the past few years or current social issues. Stories need to have some action/thriller elements but nothing beyond the scope of the budget.
Please note we are NOT open to horror/thrillers.
Writer does NOT need to be Canadian, but we still give preference to Canadian writers.
Budget will not exceed 1 million. WGA and non-WGA writers may submit.
Our credits include Jane Doe among others.
TO SUBMIT: 1. Please go to www.InkTippro.com/leads 2. Enter your email address (you will be signing up for InkTip’s newsletter – FREE!) 3. Copy/Paste this code: mwu77abx4p 4. You will be submitting a logline and synopsis only.
IMPORTANT: Please ONLY submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for EXACTLY.
If you aren’t sure if your submission fits, please ask InkTip first. Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at INFOLIST.com and please email any questions to: jerrol@inktip.com