Evelina Fernandez and Cast Members from Latino Theater Company Discuss Premiere of Faith: Part One of a Mexican Triliogy
Friday, November 9th (2 – 2:30) on KPFK 90.7FM
KPFK’s weekly Arts in Review, celebrating the best in live theater and cabaret in the Greater Southern California area, welcomes acclaimed playwright Evelina Fernandez and actresses Esperanza America, Olivia Delgado and Alexis de la Rocha, discussing the premiere of Faith: Part One of A Mexican Trilogy, currently running at downtown-based LA Theatre Company. The three cast members will also perform music from the production. Hosted by arts journalist Julio Martinez, Arts in Review airs Friday, November 9 (2 to 2:30pm). The program also streams live over kpfk.org. For additional information call 818-648-6128 or e-mailJulio@juliomartinez.net.