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CBS Diversity Institute’s Writers Mentoring Program Call for Submission

Applications are now being accepted for the 11th session of the CBS Diversity Institute’s Writers Mentoring Program.  The submission period is March 1, 2013 – May 1, 2013.

The Writers Mentoring Program helps aspiring writers to break in and move up in the business.  Each participant is matched with two mentors – one is a CBS or CBS Studio creative executive and the other is a show mentor on a current series.  Participants meet regularly with their mentors for advice and support on improving their writing skills as well as career advice and guidance.

With a total of 68 graduates in its ten years, the Program has launched 32 careers in episodic television.

The primary focus of the CBS Diversity Institute Writers Program is to provide access and networking opportunities for talented and motivated diverse writers – with a focus on writers of color.  The program is based in Los Angeles.  It begins in September 2013 and runs through April 2014.

The Writers Mentoring Program is not employment and there is no monetary compensation.  It is, instead, a structured program of career development, support, and personal access to executives and decision-making processes; with the goal of preparing aspiring writers for later employment opportunities in television.

For more information click on, then click on Diversity Institute there you will find the Writers’ Mentoring Program Information and Application.


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