Universal Pictures is banking that Latinos moviegoers, who spend millions of dollars supporting their Fast and Furious franchise, will turn out in the same numbers for their latest Latino themed film Low Riders.
Here are 5 reasons this studio film will flop:
1. You cannot start off by alienating the Latino community and leaders where you are filming your movie.
2. It’s 2015 for christ’s sake. Latinos are tired of the same old stereotypical roles.
3. Low Riders is just a re-hash of the 1979 film Boulevard Night. “Young sullen cholo low-rider caught up in the ‘life’ and his “gone straight” bigger brother…despite their differences, their family bond is strong…blah blah blah.
4. Latinos resent studios like yours who will not fund a movie like Spare Parts about the real life Latino robotics team that beat out the MIT team, but you jump at the chance to fund a re-hash of a gang banging, lowrider movie.
5. Your choice of writers for this film might yield the same results as past films with non-Latino writers, who had little knowledge of the Latino culture, which all flopped, critically and at the box office:
Cesar Chavez – Screenplay: Keir Pearson & Timothy J. Sexton;
Release: March 28, 2014
Budget: $15M (estimate)
Domestic BoxOffice: $5,571,497
Reviews: LatinHeat compilation of Reviews – Bad
Love in the Time of Cholera – Screenplay by Ronald Harwood – an adaptation of book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez;
Budget: $50 Million
Domestic BoxOffice: $4,607,608 Foreign: $26,729,976
Reviews: BoxOffice Mojo – Bad
House of the Spirits – Screenwriter Bille August – an adaptation of Isabel Allende’s book.
Release: 1994
Budget: $40 Million
Domestic BoxOffice: $6,265,311
Reviews: Rotten Tomatoes – Lukewarm