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What’s at Stake For Latinos at the FCC?

Today at 7PM – FCC Live Streamed Panel

The National Hispanic Media Coalition encourages all Latinos to get informed and participate on how decisions made at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) can directly impact Latinos’ access to economic opportunities, as well as their health and well-being.

The NHMC is inviting all interested parties, whether you’re a filmmaker, an elementary school student, or a parent to join them tonight  via live stream,  for a community town hall event to learn more about what Latinos and other historically underserved communities have at stake in terms of how the FCC’s decisions could impact them.  For more information, click here.

Learn more about how the FCC could help close the opportunity gap for the Latino community, take a look at our fact sheet. Read why this town hall is important to NHMC’s Executive Vice President as a mom here.

Hosted by NHMC and its partners in the Voices for Internet Freedom Coalition, Oakland Voices: A Town Hall on Our Right to Communicate will give Oakland community members an opportunity to share their stories – and to tell  FCC Chairman Wheeler about the impacts of an increasingly corporate media environment.

The event will be streamed live from 7-9 p.m Pacific Time at, and you can join and follow the conversation on Twitter using hashtag #oaklandvoices.

This is a chance to tell Mr. Wheeler about the kind of media system that best meet our needs — and to advocate for the health and well-being of our families and our communities.

Date: Thurs., Jan. 9, 2014

Time: 7–9 p.m. (doors open at 6:45 p.m.)

Featured Speakers: Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler California Public Utilities Commissioner Catherine J.K. Sandoval Greenlining Institute Energy & Telecommunications Policy Director Stephanie Chen Center for Media Justice Executive Director Malkia Cyril National Hispanic Media Coalition Executive Vice President Jessica Gonzalez CIVIC Co-Executive Director Christina Mansfield ColorOfChange Executive Director Rashad Robinson The Utility Reform Network Executive Director Mark Toney Free Press Associate Policy Director Chancellar Williams


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