Tech donation upgrades and high-speed data service as part of a multiyear contribution to LULAC
Los Angeles, CA—Time Warner Cable Business Class has donated technology upgrades and three years of high-speed Internet service to the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) as part of a national contribution to the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC.) The multi-year $200,000 grant from Time Warner Cable supports an array of technology equipment and services including desktop computers, laser printers, high speed Internet access, LCD projectors, and public service announcements for 16 of the organization’s sites across the country including Cincinnati, Charlotte, Wisconsin, Kansas City and Los Angeles, among others.
“Time Warner Cable is committed to giving back to the communities we serve. We are proud to support LULAC and their affiliates, and we salute CARECEN’s efforts to empower and educate Latinos” said David Montierth, regional vice president for Time Warner Cable Business Class.

CARECEN is a non-profit organization that provides support, services and programs to the Latino immigrant community, adults and youth. On average, CARECEN provides services to more than 10,000 Latinos per year.
“Our community faces tremendous challenges and our organization aims to educate Latino immigrants about their rights and provide them the resources to engage in civic life at all levels and improve their neighborhoods,” said Martha Arévalo, CARECEN interim executive director. “Time Warner Cable Business Class is helping us reach those goals by donating their reliable, high-speed Internet service to us.”
CARECEN houses two computer labs, which hold more than 45 computers. The Time Warner Cable Business Class technology upgrade will include a fast, dependable and secure broadband solution that will allow for the community and staff to access the Internet at up to 100 times faster than dial-up modems. In addition, the service has a much larger capacity for instant downloads.
CARECEN offers a variety of services including:
Low cost immigration legal services
Community Education via Academic, Arts and Culture programs for youth
Parent Center which provides leadership training, technology assistance, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
Economic Development services including: job placement assistance, wage theft resolution, and workshops on a variety of topics at the Day Labor Center
Resources for health services
Workshops on various topics including: Domestic Violence, Drugs and Alcohol, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Diabetes, Cholesterol and Nutrition
Translation assistance
For more information about the services of CARECEN, please visit our website at:
More information about the services of Time Warner Cable is available at