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The Future of TV: BroadbandTVcon Launches in Hollywood – November 5-6

November 5 -6, 2013 at the Loews Hotel Hollywood

BroadbandTVcon embraces a bold vision for the future of television and entertainment where linear television is transforming into an online, mobile and connected experience.  Broadbandtv services will set the bar for rapid innovation, engaging passionate audiences, seamless multi-platform distribution and meaningful monetization of content.

This show is also based on the premise that every generation of entertainment, from Radio to Broadcast, Broadcast to Cable and now Cable to Internet precipitates a massive shift in value, talent, innovation and monetization to the new distribution platform. BroadbandTV and multi-platform services are now rapidly redefining the television landscape and the industry finds itself on the precipice of a massive shift in value.

Content owners have more choice in distribution.  Advertisers are targeting consumers in ways never before possible.  On-Demand and binge viewing is rapidly growing in popularity.  Original Digital Content is enabling broadbandTV service providers to grow their user base and create more ‘sticky’ services.  The broad reach of social media technologies are giving content owners new ways to interact with audiences and consumers in turn are now able to directly influence the success or failure of programming.

These trends represent a new game-changing new reality and this event is the one place where the industry gathers to find ways to exploit these new trends and leverage them in building exciting new services.  This show also provides the perfect blend of Hollywood and Silicon Valley.  At BroadbandTVcon, we believe that emerging broadband tv services face a complex set of technical challenges in addition to the ever-important content development & acquisition issues and creating visibility and scale for emerging services.  BroadbandTVcon is not about half-measures.  It is about embracing the new reality!

Preview of just a few of the dozens of sessions you’ll experience at BroadbandTVcon…

Original Digital Content:  The Quiet Revolution Which Is Redefining the Industry

Can Programmers, Producers And BroadbandTV Distributors Compete in a World With Thousands of Channels and Millions of Hours of Programming?

Building The Next Generation of BroadbandTV Networks and Services

Will Apps Become the Primary Viewing and Monetization Platform of Choice in the Future?

How Disruptive is BroadbandTV to the Traditional TV Business?

Behind the Numbers:  What Does the Data Really Say About the TV Business?

Can the Second Screen Become the First Screen? – The New Dynamics of 2nd Screen Content

The State of BroadbandTV and the TV Business

For more info or to register CLICK HERE


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