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Standing Ovation at a Packed Margo Albert Theater for In the Realm of the Maya

Los Angeles, CA – The special one-night showcase performance of Martin Zitter’s In the Realm of the Maya: The Rising of Royal Ringball on Saturday, April 28th at Plaza de la Raza’s Margo Albert Theater, was rewarded by its enthusiastic packed house with a resounding round of applause.

Written and created by Martin Zitter, produced by Latin Heat Entertainment’s Bel Hernandez and directed by award-winning, veteran actor Enrique Castillo (WeedsBlood In Blood Out), the sneak-peek of act one of the spectacular three-act production, brought audiences to their feet and left everyone wanting more!

“The Maya world is in decline. Man’s disregard for Mother Earth has angered the Gods. The youth take matters into their own hands and challenge the Rain God Chaac Ha to a game of Pok-a-Tok — the outcome will decide the destiny of a whole civilization.”

Sal Lopez as Coyote Wayob

The stage is broken into three parts: Center Stage, the story’s artery, pumping the heart, soul and conscience is veteran actor Sal Lopez as Coyote Wayob, a Shaman who watches over the Hero Twins. He is also the trickster and ambassador trying to unite The Gods and The Royal Family, in the end he’ll probably side with whomever is going to win this mega battle that could save or destroy their civilization.

Stage Right stand The Gods, who are angry over the mistreatment of the lands—tearing down of the great trees and green foliage and is punishing the Mayan civilization by not providing the much needed rain. The regal Gods portrayed by Karina Noelle (Itchel, Moon Goddess); Sol Castillo (Chaac Ha); Marisa Lopez (Kukulcan, Feathered Serpent); and David ‘Blak’ Placencia (Lord Xibalba).

At Stage Left stand The Royal Family, who are desperately trying to calm the Gods and give them another opportunity to right the wrongs. The Royal Family is a typical monarch, beautifully characterized by Raul Cardona (King Stalking, Jaguar); Marissa Herrera (Queen Lady Brightstar); and Hero Twins Kelvin Morales (Prince Copan) and Sally Pan, (Puka).

(R-L) Martin Espanio, Enrique Castillo, Marisa Herrera, Kevin Morales and David ‘Blak’ Placencia.

At the core of the story are the Hero Twins, young royal teen siblings who convince their parents to allow them to challenge The Gods to a game of Royal Ringball® – winner takes it all.  The Pok-A-Tok team players are Laurie Marie MunizErik GaviaNicole Blair TsaiTiffany Hsu, and Andrew Richard Perez.

“What makes In the Realm of the Maya relevant is not only that currently our planet is in a dangerous state with all the pollution and climate change phenomena happening but also how our youth—high school teenagers have risen up to demand change against the NRA an loose laws related to weapons issue,” said Producer Hernandez. The audience wanted more the just the sneak-peek of the first act they were entertained with.

Deserving of extra praise also goes to Choreographer Laurie Muniz; Musical Director Martin Espino; Costume Designer Lazaro Arvizu; Lighting Designer Jose Lopez; and Stage Manager Cecilia Garcia.

This special one-night showcase performance was part of Plaza de la Raza’s Earth Week Fest, produced by Plaza de la Raza and The Herrera Agency. Between Plaza and its sponsors: LA DWP, Dia de los Puercos, VING Vodka, Agua Lucha, Boca de Agua, Latin Heat Entertainment, The Herrera Agency and partners LADOT, Bio Citizen, Sierra Club, Trust For Public Land, Luxe Paws, California Native Plant Society, Imaging LA, and LA County Bicycle Coalition, Royal Ringball ® expresses great gratitude and appreciation for allowing them to be part of their worthy event.

“The celebration of pre-Colombian reality is right up my alley… the beautiful costumes added to the original experience,” stated actor Randy Vasquez.


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