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She’s Sexy, Funny and Handsome? She Is Ricardo!


Jenni Ruiza and Jesenia are both the producers and writers of the hit comedy web series Becoming Ricardo.  Jesenia plays the title role, who is desperate to make it as an actress, and in an attempt to grab her career, as she puts it “by the balls”, she transforms herself into Ricardo Montalban the leading man of a major TV network hit crime show Crime, Law and Justice.” 

In my opinion the first and second episodes were very funny, but get ready because part 1 & 2 of the third episode – it’s hilarious!

Our leading man, or as he is known to everyone, Papi, is now sporting a sexy new “do”.  In this episode Ricardo Montalban (Jesenia) bumps into a hot director on set who she worked with before as her girly self.  Will she be found out?  We are also introduced to the malicious and mean Vivian Vox (Giordana Aviv).  Hizzzz.

Last week I have the pleasure of interviewing, via Skype two very talented, funny and beautiful ladies all the way from New York City,  Jenni Ruiza and Jesenia from the very successful web series Becoming Ricardo and it was a blast!

I love Jenni and Jesenia, or should I say Ricardo Montalban? I often wonder what would happen if Ricardo Montalban were to ever be found out and get fired off the TV show?   Jesenia deserves an award on “becoming Ricardo. It must be hard and time consuming for a girl to transform herself  into a man before going off to work every day.

Jesenia, you are rocking your new hairstyle.  Que sexy Papi!  And  your new director is hot. You think I can audition for him too? I promise to keep your secret.   I also promise to kick that Vivian Vox’s butt. I don’t like her, how can she treat you that way.  No one can mess up with my future Golden Globe nominee date like that and get a way with it.  No one! On the other hand, I adore your make up artist, even though he is a little dramatico. Don’t you think?

You girls want to know what one of my favorite things about the show is?  The song at the end credits.  It’s so pegajosa and sexy and great music to enjoy while reading the credits of everyone in the show.

Wait! Let me PAUSE this video.  Did Vivian just call you a small child and Mr. Umpa Lumpa? OK..take a deep breath Mary Chuy. God I hate that Vivian Vox.

Well Papi, I guess its off to the Pussy Cat Lounge for you. Que te diviertas.

I can’t wait for episode 4. Can you imagine Jesenia, Mr Ricardo Montalban, in a strip club? It is going to be a “revealing” episode. Chicas as always you guys did a great job in the new episode.  I can already see you both in the near future on Saturday Night Live!

Keep up the good work, and Ricardo Montalban, no lap dances for you OK? I will be watching you.

Jenni Ruiza and Jesenia Cruz are also partners on  new comedy venture


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