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NHMC & The LATC Present their 4th annual Latino Scene Showcase

Los Angeles, CA – The National Hispanic Media Coalition and the Los Angeles Theatre Center hosted their fourth annual Latino Scene Showcase at the El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood, California. The Showcase is a private event for entertainment industry executives, talent managers and agents, and casting directors to watch the performance of original scripts written, directed and performed by graduates of NHMC’s Latino TV Writers Program and Latino directors and actors recruited by the LATC. The purpose of the event is to provide more opportunities for Latino writers, directors and actors in the entertainment industry. To watch the performances, click here.

Twenty Latino actors performed seven original scripts, written and directed by Latinos, for 150 entertainment industry insiders. Alex Nogales, president and CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition co-hosted the event with José Luis Valenzuela, artistic director of the Los Angeles Theatre Center, the Showcase, and an award-winning theater and film director and tenured professor at the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television.

The 7 scenes included:

Acceptance, written by Eugene Garcia-Cross, directed by Alberto Barboza and performed by: Jonathan Medina, Jamil Mena, Maria Elena Heredia and Ray Rios

Open-ish, written by Frank Nestor, directed by Alberto Barboza and performed by: César Gamiño and Grace Serrano

Pierre, written by Sabrina Almeida, directed by Geoff Rivas and performed by: Evelyn Lorena, Eric Delgado and Edward Padilla

Subway, written by Maria Escobedo, directed by Fanny Véliz and performed by: Cristina Frias, Nelson Grande, Adriana Colón

Terrible People, written by Rick Dominguez, directed by Alberto Barboza, and performed by: Jamilka Gonzalez and Andrea Vicunia

The Other Talk, written by Alex Perez, directed by Geoff Rivas and performed by: Olivia Cristina Delgado and Andrew Dits

The Comedian, written by Chris Garcia, directed by Fanny Véliz and performed by: Adrian Brizuela, Emanuel Gironi, Cristina Fernandez, and Cruz Castillo


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