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Michelle Rodriguez, Linda Chavez and Adrian Grenier Share Tangled Spanish Colonial Roots

New York, NY –PBS second half of its genealogy and ancestry series, Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has saved the best for its series finale, which airs on May 20th featuring two Latinas and one gorgeous hunk.

Girlfight’s Michelle Rodriguez and Politician Linda Chavez are featured with the Entourage star, Adrian Grenier. These three individuals share unique Spanish colonial roots among the Native American, African and European people – from conquistadors to crypto—Jews—who made the New World.

Finding Your Roots final episode airs May 20th and is not to be missed! Find out how three individuals so different in cultures, ethnicity and upbringings find an extraordinary connection linking them from centuries back.

The five remaining episodes, starting Aprill 22nd and airing weekly, will feature: Maggie Gyllenhall, Robert Downey, Jr., Samuel L. Jackson, Condoleezza Rice, Ruth Simmons, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Margaret Cho, Martha Stewart, John Legend, Wanda Sykes and Margaret Cooper… with Rodriguez, Chavez and Grenier where their root exploration reveals stunning facts on the final show.

Genealogy and ancestry interest has hit an all time high with shows like the Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., where popular celebrities explore their race, culture and identity. The exploration findings makes for fascinating TV entertainment! Don’t we all have that curiosity about our roots that give us a proverbial “Aha” moment?

Filmed on location across the United States, the series airs nationally Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on PBS through May 20, 2012.


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