Special Guest Gary Segura, Mexican-American History Maker January 23, 2020 LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes 501 N. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
The Mexican-American Cultural Educational Foundation (MACEF), a non-profit organization dedicated to changing the narrative of Mexicans in the U.S.A. through unity, pride and education, will host its 4th History Maker event with Gary Segura, Dean of UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. The History Maker event spotlights Mexican-Americans who have achieved the highest degrees of success in their respective fields. Past History Maker includes Playwright Luis Valdez, Alex Nogales, CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, and Julian Nava, former Ambassador to Mexico. The MACEF History Maker event takes place on Thursday, January 23, 2020, at the historic La Plaza de Cultura y Arte at 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
MACEF was conceived by Dr. Jose Luis Ruiz, who serves as President. Dr. Ruiz is a well known, nationally recognized professor, researcher, cosmetic dentist, Amazon bestseller and award-winning Mexican-American novelist. As a young man, he relocated to the U.S. where he experienced the unique challenges and opportunities of other Mexican immigrants witnessing the life and perspective of countless U.S.-born Mexican-Americans.
“For over a century Mexican-American misinformation has been spread and in recent years it has been amplified by the megaphone attacks of the current president of the United States,” stated Dr. Ruiz. “Our History Maker illuminates the positive of our community. And, we encourage all Mexican-Americans to be a part of the change to be elevated.”
Ruiz believes the MACEF organization focused on Mexican-Americans can end the invisibility by focusing on achievements by promoting unity, education, pride, and progress. At every event, MACEF invites two Mexican-American Role Models to share their “secrets to success” in a short mini “TEDTalk like” presentation. On January 23rd, Naibe Reynoso, a multiple EMMY award-winning journalist/Author/Producer and Luis Fernandez, Executive Director, Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum and Researcher, will present “Pearls of Wisdom” and “How To” talks for success.
As with every MACEF event, high school students are bused in to attend these cultural and informative forums. And as is customary, one student out of each MACEF event is presented with a scholarship at a subsequent event, to further their education. To date, two students, Victoria Nava and Anthony Garcia have recently been awarded the Katie Suarez Social Justice Scholarship. Each and every past History Maker has left an indelible mark that inspires, motivates, encourages and enables young Mexican-Americans to pursue an education and become leaders at whatever industry or profession they seek.
Director/Playwright Luis Valdez (La Bamba, Zoot Suit) kicked off the launch of the History Maker events last October. He spoke about the inherent creativity of Mexicans. “The grace of Mexican art. The visuality of Mexican art is the raw stuff that you need [to be great Mexican] filmmakers”.

Director/Writer Luis Valdez and students at the History Maker event
Alex Nogales, President of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, talked about the discrimination towards Mexicans growing up as a farmworker. “Up and down the state there were signs…that said, “No Dogs or Mexicans Allowed”. It took me years to get over those kinds of put-downs. But once I did and I got an education, it was a different story,” directing his words towards the students in attendance.
History Maker Dr. Julian Nava was the first Mexican-American Ambassador to Mexico was appointed by President Jimmy Carter. Had this to say at his History Maker talk, “Be proud of your cultural heritage. See it for what it is, an asset. Most people who know Mexican-Americans think well of us because we don’t cause riots, turmoil or burn downtowns. Yet we have suffered discrimination of a more polite but equally as offensive and oppressive form. But we don’t have to suffer that if we just don’t want to. It’s in our mind to be yourself.”
“It is hard to look in any direction in this beautiful country and not see the powerful and positive influence the Mexican-American culture and people have given to America,” Dr. Ruiz laments. It is for this reason the Mexican American Cultural Education Foundation exists.
To read more on the fascinating history of Mexican-Americans, and about how the organization is changing the false and negative narrative, visit the MACEF website.
The event is open to the public and it is free of charge. For more information call (818) 641-5577 or CLICK HERE. Limited seating. Follow MACEF on Social Media:
ABOUT MACEF The Mexican-American Cultural Education Foundation is a non-profit foundation with the mission of educating the community about the rich cultural contributions of the Mexican-American community to this country, which are often unrecognized. To spotlight the many wildly successful Mexican immigrants, Mexican-Americans, and Chicanos and recruit their help as role models and mentors and to promote education, unity, pride, and progress. MACEF offers a variety of scholarships and grants to encourage advancement for Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans. For more information CLICK HERE
ABOUT GARY SEGURA: History Maker Prior to his UCLA Dean appointment, Professor Segura served as the Morris M. Doyle Centennial Professor of Public Policy, professor of political science, and professor and former chair of Chicana/o-Latina/o studies at Stanford University. As a result of his research focusing on issues of political representation and the politics of America’s growing Latino minority, it is no surprise he has been called to brief members of Congress and senior administration officials on issues related to Latinos. In addition, he has served as an expert witness in three marriage equality cases heard by the Supreme Court and has filed amicus curiae briefs on subjects as diverse as voting rights, marriage equality, and affirmative action.
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