Univision’s Despierta America Becoming #1 Morning Show in Any Language

Wahlberg on Despierta America
Miami, FL – According to Nielsen, Univision’s morning show Despierta America has shown a strong growth over last year’s ratings in all key demo. This marks the show’s seventh consecutive month of year-over-year audience increases across various key demos, including Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54, making it the fastest growing morning show, regardless of language, in the current season.
Despierta America’s recent expansion of invited guest to include English-language TV and film stars the likes of Mark Wahlberg (Broken City), Jason Statham (Parker), Analeight Tipton (Warm Bodies) and Edgar Ramirez (Zero Dark Thirty) to Luis Guzman (The Last Stand), Michael Peña (Gangster Squad) and Sarah Shahi (Bullet to the Head), to promote their film is proving to be a game changer.
In the past, Univision had an unspoken policy of only booking talent that could speak Spanish. One of the first English-speaking talent to be accepted to appear was Jennifer Lopez on the Cristina show hosted by Cristina Saralegui after the success of Selena back in 1997.
Saralequi a true television pioneer in many respects, understood the power embracing both Spanish and English speaking Latino talent on her show, however Univision was not buying it. Saralegui relayed her frustration to Variety’s Anna Maria de la Fuente in August of 2011 when Univision canceled her show, “Jennifer Lopez, Jimmy Smits and Edward James Olmos — all learned to speak Spanish so that they could promote themselves better on Univision,” Saralegui says. Adding that “Talent were not allowed to sing in English,” she adds. “I was supposed to have complete creative control, but they tampered with my show anyway. Coming from Cuba, I call that censorship. Now it seems sixteen years later Saralegui was on to something.
Despierta América is becoming a must-stop for both Hispanic and non-Hispanic celebrities looking to reach growing Hispanic audiences.
Given the recent Nielsen report that Latinos continue to be a strong force at the box office, Despierta América is especially appealing for film marketers in any language. Top studios (and soon networks will follow) will now make sure to get their stars booked on the fastest growing morning show, Despierta America and connect with the most coveted audience – U.S. Latinos.
Mark Wahlberg makes appearance on Despierta America with co-star Natalie Martinez promoting their recently released film Broken City.
English-language network producers of morning shows are sure to be taking notice. The numbers do not lie. The Despierta America viewer is much younger (44 years old) than its English-language morning show competition at ABC (58 years old), CBS (58 years old) and NBC (57 years old). Despierta America is showing double-digit percentage growth with the Adults 25-54 audience (+36%), compared with +2% growth for ABC’s “Good Morning America” and declines for “CBS This Morning” (-1%) and NBC’s “Today Show” (-18%).
Source: The Nielsen Company, NPM STD (09/24/2012-01/25/2013 vs. 09/19/2011-01/27/2012) Most Current data, January (2013: 12/31-01/25 vs. 2012: 12/26-01/29) Live+SD data, M-F 7am-11am.
#JasonStratham #DespiertaAmericaAddsEnglishSpeakingGueststoLineup #AnaleightTipton #LuisGuzman #MarkWahlberg #SarahShahi #BrokenCityfilmpromotions #MichaelPena #LatinHeatMediaInstitute #EdgarRamirez #Latinosinentertainment #LatinHeatEntertainment #UnivisionsDespiertaAmerica #SpanishlanguagenetworksaddsEnglishspeakingactors