The American Idol Runner Up Hooks Up With DeAndre
American Idol winner Phillip Phillips has admitted to On-Air with Ryan Seacrest that he was “surprised” to hear about the romance between DeAndre Brackensick and Jessica Sanchez.
The couple had been competing on the FOX hit show for its 11th season alongside with Phillip Phillips. They confirmed they were dating last month. “Hopefully it keeps working out for them”, the American Idol Winner said. Not only Phillips was surprised but as well as the other contestants about Sanchez’s relationship with Brackensick. Phillips added, “When we’re around them, they’re always just holding hands or something, so they seem like they love each other.”
Sanchez though, was not shy about delivering the news to her fans. On via a UStream chat Thursday, the 16-year old played a game with her fans about revealing truths about herself. “I got a secret and I want you guys to guess. I’ll nod if it’s no or yes,” said Sanchez. Unfortunately for her fans, none of their guesses was on point yet it did not stop her from revealing the news. She was too happy to keep the secret of her new boyfriend as the 17-year old San Jose singer any longer!
“He’s my boyfriend. Love you guys. Byeeee!” she said.
All the best to the couple!
–Johana Hernandez, Contributing Editor