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Latino Community Takes Stand Against Hate Talk, NBC Drops Trump


NHMC Applauds NBC Universal/Comcast And Univision For Severing 

Ties With Trump Following His Anti-Latino Hate Speech

The Latino community’s outrage over Donald Trump’s racist remarks when he announced he was running for president in 2016, began percolating on social media which resulted in two petitions circulating on that gathered over 200,ooo signatures (for NBC to cut ties) and 700,000 (asking Macy’s to also sever ties with Trump).  Earlier today NBC Universal and its parent company Comcast were first to respond and announced that they would sever their relationship with Trump for his bigoted, racist, anti-Latino rant. In doing so, NBC Universal/Comcast, moved to disassociate from a man refuses to accept that hate speech against any and all communities will no longer be tolerated.

This morning NBC Universal announced that it would not air the Miss U.S.A. nor the Miss Universe pageants, both of which Trump produces. NBC Universal also stated that Trump will no longer host The Apprentice, which has been airing successfully on NBC for over ten years.

NHMC applauds NBC Universal/Comcast for joining Univision and the two MC’s of the Miss U.S.A. Pageant, Roselyn Sanchez and Cristian de la Fuente, for braving Trump’s threats of law suits and taking huge monetary losses for their actions rather than continue their relationships with a bigot.

This announcement comes on the heels of a Friday meeting between NHMC’s President and CEO, Alex Nogales, NBC Entertainment Chairman, Bob Greenblatt, and NBC Entertainment President, Jennifer Salke. At the meeting, Nogales insisted that NBC Universal sever all ties with Trump, noting mounting grassroots pressure from the Latino community, as well as organized efforts from the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda’s Media Committee, which NHMC’s Jessica J. Gonzalez co-chairs along with Felix Sanchez of the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts. The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda is a coalition of thirty-nine of the nation’s most prominent Latino advocacy organizations.

“Bravo,” applauded Nogales. “It is good to have media partners with a conscience who understand that doing business with people like Trump is not only unconscionable, but also would harm relationships with the Latino community and other fair-minded non-Latinos.”

On June 16th, Trump announced his bid for the White House. Among his many infamous comments, was this:

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems. Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

As press time Macy’s had not yet addressed the petition for them to sever ties with Trump, although it has over 700,000 signatures.

NHMC has a long history of advocating against hate speech in media. For more information, including reports about the negative impacts of such speech, please visit


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