Premieres Monday, July 28th, 2014!

New No-Holds Barred Web Series Where Latina Writers, Producers Shed Light on the Media and Their Place Therein
By Elia Esparza
Latinas Chat Media (LCM) launched their first season of webisodes featuring a series of discussions between east and west coast Latina writers and producers with a unique perspective on the progress. The online series focuses 100% on the challenges and triumphs of Latinas working in media.
Recently, the ladies got together to tape a series of discussions about the current state of affairs for Latinas in Hollywood. The first west coast webisode of Latinas Chat Media will premiere on Monday, July 28, 2014, and will feature moderators Vanessa Verduga, Elia Esparza and panelists Bel Hernandez, Blanca Valdez, Yoli Cortez Romano, Evangeline Ordaz, Velia La Garda, Naibe Reynoso, Lydia Nicole, Yareli Arizmendi, Charo Toledo, Evelina Fernandez, and Lorena Alvarado.

L-R: Evangeline Ordaz, Velia La Garda, Elia Esparza, Bel Hernandez, Blanca Valdez, Yoli Cortez Romano
The first season of Latinas Chat Media six-part series can be viewed in its entirety at The show is designed so you can be an active part of the community. Uncensored, sometimes ribald, the no-holds-barred philosophy becomes deeply reflective, challenging everyone, Latinas and non-Latinas alike to examine their belief system on what constitutes the Hispanic media and what doesn’t
The new no-holds barred web series was created by author Linda Nieves-Powell and co-executive produced by Vanessa Verduga who also happens to be an actor, writer, producer, director and an attorney devoted to bringing the Latina voice to the forefront.
Los Angeles edition of Latinas Chat Media, straddling the two coastlines to bring together a Latin American voice that can be heard cohesively across Middle America.” – Vanessa Verduga, LCM Co-Executive Producer
Panelist in first video: Elia Esparza, Moderator: Writer, P.R./Communications Consultant & Former Latin Heat Editor-In-Chief Bel Hernandez Castillo: CEO/President, Latin Heat Media, LLC ( & HOLA L.A. TV talk show on CBS2/KCAL9) Blanca Valdez: Casting Director, Blanca Valdez Casting Yoli Cortez Romano: TV Writer, Latino Writers Committee (WGAw) Velia La Garda: TV Segment Producer (KCBS TV), recipient of 7 EMMY’s Evangeline Ordaz: Playwright, TV Writer/Producer, and Attorney (East Los High writer)
LCM Los Angeles discussions evolved around where exactly are Latina writers and producers currently working in Hollywood. “On the business side,” said Verduga, “the topics ranged from who’s hiring to the frustrations of having to up your Latinoness or tone it down to the inner conflicts of wishing a writer or show runner was solely hired for their talent and not to be a diversity statistic fulfillment.”
“I get a lot of requests to sit down over coffee with younger writers and producers to share my experiences with them. I think they hope hearing about my experiences will give them insights as they are starting out. LCM serves the same purpose, but on a much bigger scale. People who tune in don’t just hear from me but they hear from a number of different Latinas working in media. It’s the equivalent of having six or seven coffees and getting ten times the information and insight in one sitting. –Evangeline Ordaz

L-R: Lorena Alvarado, Yareli Arizmendi, Vanessa Verduga, Naibe Reynoso, Lydia Nicole, Charo Toledo
The second panel videotaped got into the differences of being a Latino professional whose background, origins and the difference of family economic status shapes our life perspectives very differently. The discussions were passionate and the ladies held nothing back in getting their points across. “We believe our various conversations demonstrate how diversified we are amongst our own demographic segment in the U.S,” Esparza added. “One size does not fit all.”
Panelist for second video:
Vanessa Verduga, Moderator: Actor, Writer, Producer, Director, Attorney, Creator of the comedy-drama web series Justice Woman
Naibe Reynoso: Emmy award-winning TV Journalist, Host, Lifestyle and News TV Reporter, Actor (Hola L.A., NewsBreaker)
Lydia Nicole: Actor, Writer, Producer, Comedienne, Executive, Inspirational Speaker, Common Sense Mamita vLogger
Charo Toledo: TV Writer/Producer (East Los High writer)
Yareli Arizmendi: Actor, Writer, Producer, Director (A Day Without a Mexican, Like Water for Chocolate)
Lorena Alvarado: Producer, Researcher (Hola L.A., Encounters)
Evelina Fernandez: Actor, Playwright, TV Writer (East Los High writer)
“Latinas Chat Media allows us the space and freedom for us to throw out and work through ideas in full voice out-loud are rare and precious. To share my mind in voice form and witness how it lands in other’s ears is the beginning of change. We listen to others, finesse the plan, and change the world. LCM gives us the space, a gym for ideas to work it all out. Revolutionary! –Yareli Arizmendi
“The goal is to span the gap between the east and the west,” said show creator Linda Nieves Powell, “by encouraging Latina artists everywhere to create their own local roundtable discussion.”
For more information about adding your lively group to the conversation and creating a movement of support for evolving Latina American artist, visit the show’s website: . “It is our chance to become progressive, to think outside the box and become part of the change that will revolutionize Latin American media,” stated Verduga.

L-R: Charo Toledo, Vanessa Verduga, Naibe Reynoso, Elia Esparza, Lydia Nicole, Lorena Alvarado, Anna Padilla, Yareli Arizmendi
“It’s important for people to see that in spite of the obstacles that stand in our way, we are not taking ‘no’ for an answer,” added Evangeline Ordaz. “We are out there creating space by working independently. It isn’t easy, but the more people we have knocking at the media door the harder it will be for those who control production to ignore our voices and the communities who want to see their stories on the screen.”
Check out the new season premiere featuring west coast professionals on Monday, July 28th online – they don’t always agree with each other; but differing views are what stimulate a discussion and eventually find a common ground for understanding.

Bel Hernandez, Blanca Valdez
“Like” Latinas Chat Media on Facebook so you can become an integral part of this social network community, leave your comments, suggestions, and receive immediate updates on upcoming Latinas Chat Media, which may be coming to your city soon.
Latinas Chat Media is the empowerment of the Latin American woman, a woman who has shed her coming-to-America identity as a maid, a mom, a walking bombshell, and has stated her position as a thinking, intelligent woman, vibrant with her cultural heritage, stepping into relevant roles within society and making her own impact on lives.
Latinas Chat Media Los Angeles Production Team: Director: Miguel Najera Editor: Linda Nieves-Powell Cameras: Lucy Ahumada-Abeyta, William Camacho Production Assistant: Anna Padilla Hair & Make-Up: Jessica Martinez Venue: Special thanks to Randy Vasquez for inviting us in to tape at his home in West Hollywood.
For more about “Latinas Chat Media” visit:
Twitter: @LatinasInMedia
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