The Los Angeles Theater Center’s East of Broadway Spring Season is under way. It kicked off in April with a four day run of Placas: The Most Dangerous Tattoo a powerful drama written by Bay Area youth mentor and hip-hop poet Paul S. Flores and stars Culture Clash’s Ric Salinas, and directed by Michael John Garcés.
April 3 through May 3rd
The Robey Theatre Company’s Knock Me a Kiss by Charles Smith bowed April 3rd and will continue playing until May 3rd. Directed by Dwain A. Perry this play is produced by The Robey Theatre Company in association with The LATC. It takes place in the midst of the Harlem Renaissance, W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the greatest intellects of the 20th Century was busy establishing his legacy. Disapproving his daughter’s choice of a musician as a future husband, Dr. Du Bois asserted his right to choose the man she should marry. Poet Countee Cullen was his choice, But it was trouble before it started
April 17 through May 11th
Evelina Fernandez’s Premeditation, directed by Jose Luis Valenzuela is dark comedy about divorce. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, but how many end in murder? A dark romantic comedy for anyone whose significant other has ever left dirty underwear on the bathroom floor. Starring Sal Lopez, Lucy Rodriguez, Geoffrey Rivas and Evelina Fernandez. Opening night performance has already sold out so don’t wait on this one or you might miss it. It stars the resident Latino Theater Company cast members
May 15 – June 8
Hit by Alice Tuan. Directed by Laurel Ollstein. Produced by the Los Angeles Theater Center. In a play that could only be set in L.A., with a plot that feels ripped out of recent Hollywood headlines, Kim and Mark meet as the result of an ill-fated collision on the freeway (of course). A string of sex, excess, love triangles and Zankou Chicken soon follows in Alice Tuan’s Hit. It’s a psychosexual romp, originally commissioned by the Public Theater, from the playwright behind Ajax (por nobody), Last of the Sunsand Coastline.
May 29 – June 22
Bright Light City by Nate Rufus Edelman. Directed by Angie Scott and Nate Rufus Edelman. Produced by the Los Angeles Theater Center. A dark comedy from Ovation Award Nominated playwright Nate Rufus Edelman, this new play follows a pair of hit men as they wait for their mark to arrive in a seedy motel room. But in Sin City, all bets are off when a woman is involved. Part crime noir and part comedy, Bright Light City takes you away from the glitz and glamour of Vegas, recalling the city’s criminal origins.
The Los Angeles Theater Center offers a limited number of Thursday $10 tickets. The LATC is located at 514 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013. (323) 489-0994.
For more info on the productions, times and to purchase tickets CLICK HERE.