Hollywood Total Shutdown Makes Way For Introspection
By Elia Esparza
Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world; and that world, all of California and the majority of Angelenos are adhering to Governor Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order. Hollywood productions have halted and as a result, many new shows and movies slated to start productions have been canceled. This will be a loss of mega proportions for the thousands who work in this industry.
At this point, we know that in some way or another we’ll have to adjust by the many changes that will transition into our “new normal.” And, for many, it will come at a great emotional and financial sacrifice. For now, the most disturbing thing is not knowing when it will be safe to return to our jobs, schools, and feel safe to walk into a hospital and not be fearful to visit our loved ones. And, of course, our hearts break for those who have lost their lives to this virus.
Latin Heat reached out to our readers, many of whom are writers, producers, activists, publicists, who are staying in shelter, to ask how they’re faring during these challenging times of staying home, practicing social distancing, constant washing of hands, and shielding ourselves against the coronavirus, aka, COVID-19. Mostly, we wanted to know just how they are doing to stay healthy and sane during these difficult weeks.
The response we received was overwhelming and here are excerpts of what they had to say.
Nicholas Gonzalez Actor | Producer

Nicholas Gonzalez and family
“In times of anxiety and grief, I often find that seeking out those around you that need help to be perhaps the most life-affirming act of all. When you take the time to make someone else’s life better, you invariably cease to focus on what you lack yourself.
Our survival is intertwined with that of our community. Here are two favorite go-to inspirations: Instagram Therapy @TheAngryTherapist – This is a no-bullshit, frank, head-on approach to therapy. Site owner John, compiles a network of therapists ready to match up with clients virtually. (My wife and I found our couple’s therapist here.) And, for body love, check out Urban 728 Yoga on YouTube – Joe K is a famous LA yoga with a direct style of teaching.”
Favorite Nighttime Ritual: Banging Pots and Pans with my wife and 3-year-old daughter every night at 7 pm to give thanks to our healthcare professionals. The whole neighborhood joins in and I find it keeps their sacrifice at the forefront of our gratitudes. Herbal Remedy Cannabis edibles, flower…you name it. Reduces inflammation and calms marriages.
Esai Morales, Actor | Producer | Director

Esai Morales
“We have the ability to create our reality and raise our consciousness through this unique opportunity to reflect upon and realize what is truly important and meaningful in life. These are the times that try our souls and define our character by how we choose to react to adversity. We will either evolve and align each other on a higher plane or allow ourselves to be divided and conquered through unreasoned fear once and for all. It’s up to each and every one of us.”
Victor M. Franco, Retired Public Affairs Network Executive |Social Justice Activist

Victor Franco and Carolina Castaneda
“Learning something new about the person you know best is what I and my love, Carolina Castaneda are discovering. For me, the longer the pandemic continues, the more optimistic I’m becoming about where we are headed. COVID-19 has slowed our lives down enough to help us look at them, our loved ones, our friends, our world, a little bit differently. We have been blessed not to have been infected and it may sound like a contradiction in terms but COVID-19 has in many ways, improved my life.”
Crystal Santos Copage, Stunts | Actor | Producer

Grandma playing with Evan Santos Copage in a time of pandemic
“It’s so incredible to spend so much time with my husband Evan and our daughter. We have actually grown closer as a couple and a family. We dance, we play, we color, we exercise, we play with the dog, Oh and you see the dove that decided to move in….blessings from God! My [other] son Alexander is still stuck at his dad’s but we video chat often. As strange as it may be to say, we are beyond grateful for this experience. It has been a grand adventure.”
Dolores Huerta, Civil Rights Activist. | Dolores Huerta Foundation

Dolores Huerta Foundation Staff (Ms. Huerta 2nd row middle)
“The staff of the Dolores Huerta Foundation and I have been working incessantly at home on phone banking our hard-to-count communities for our Census outreach. It’s critical for our Latino population to fill out the Census so we can get the resources and representation we need. We are also advocating to provide information and resources to our low-income and immigrant communities.
I recently celebrated my 90th birthday with a Zoom family meeting, an early morning indigenous flute and drum serenade, and live mañanitas with a guitar and vocalist. I’ve been trying to take a safe masked walk, listen to music, and keep up with the news every day. I’m watching some of my favorite programs like Superstore with America Ferrera, Mom, Broke with Jaime Camil, Tommy with Edie Falco, Bless this Mess with Ed Begley Jr., The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and Late Night with Seth Meyers. I’m feeling hopeful. This pandemic has proven that we have to respect, protect, support and work to improve each other’s lives.”
Adriana Barraza, Oscar-nominated Actress For Babel

Actress Adriana Barraza
“For everyone that might be feeling despair or frustration during this crisis that we are all going through together, I want to share a huge lesson I learned. In 2015, I fought and beat cancer, and during that time I learned the hard lesson that fear, pain, and anxiety is inevitable. But if you take a step back, truly reflect and invite laughter, happiness, and optimism into your life together we can genuinely understand each other and be there for each other. It truly does work! Laugh, dance, sing with your loved one while at home and if you can’t be with them, do it virtually. You have no idea how free you will feel!”
Lourdes Reynolds aka Colón, Actor | Producer | Director

Lourdes Reynolds and husband Chris
“Since the lockdown, my husband, Chris, and I have taken time to fulfill many tasks we hadn’t completed. We started exercising more, we even added more meditation to our daily tasks that have allowed us to let go of things that just don’t serve us. This period of unrest will pass, and when it does the entertainment industry will be hungry for content. When we are able to get back to work the void will rapidly be filled. We intend to be a part of that.
Ben De Jesus Producer | Director | Cinematographer

Ben De Jesus and John Leguizamo working it!
This new ‘normal’ has definitely been a challenge getting used to, but once I got over the initial shock there’s been real positivity too. First, I made a conscious choice to stay creative and productive. I’ve been having weekly sessions with my partner John Leguizamo developing several projects that we’re super excited about. I’ve also channeled my energy into connecting with my team at NGL Collective, friends and future collaborators in a way that I probably wouldn’t have during the normal grind of production and post. I also have been playing my guitar like I’m getting ready for a tour.
Enrique Castillo, Actor | Writer | Director

Enrique Castillo
“Entertainment is one of history’s most treasured shared experiences. At no time is it more sought for than in times of great social upheaval. This, is one of those times. If we all do our part to keep each other safe the sooner artists can return to work and continue to take audiences on fantastic and magical journeys. Practice social distancing, wear protective equipment, stay home…stay safe.”
David Damian Figueroa, Producer | Farmworker Activist

David Damian Figueroa
“In the time of the COVID-19 era, we all need to build up our immune systems and to keep ourselves healthy. There’s a lot of misinformation that is being circulated about the Coronavirus. So, I’m trying my best to steer clear of most news right now. I’ve been listening to motivational podcasts like Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations to keep my spirits up. I’ve also been developing a daily Facebook Live series for Farmworker Justice, The State of Farmworkers in the COVID-19 Era. It launched with Dolores Huerta on Monday, April 20, 2020.”
Jeff Valdez, Writer | Producer | Director (HA HA Festival)
“I’m very fortunate to be busy, as I am in post-production on the HA Comedy Festival TV special for HBO Max. That said, it has been a challenge to figure out how to do all the final post work digitally. I am embracing this time on a business level to learn how to work in a new way as it appears the new normal will be quite different. I am talking with all my tech friends learning more about how AI will have an impact coming out of this. On a personal note, I am loving having evenings for long dinners, watching movies, and playing scrabble (keeps the brain sharp) with my wife and sons.”
Julie Carmen, Actor | Director | Producer
“During COVID-19 I had time to put final touches on The Unnecessary Salvation of Mary McDaniel, the short film that I directed. We submitted it to festivals, hoping festivals will some day re-emerge. For exercise, I signed up for a saber sword Traditional Chinese Martial Arts class on zoom. I know, it’s dark but the news makes me so mad that a sword class feels apropos. But the most fun has been rehearsing an awesome new TV series script that Nancy de Los Santos and Maria Elena Rodriguez wrote. It’s a profoundly relevant story I’ve longed someone to write about and their script nails it.”
Nancy de Los Santos, Writer | Producer | Director

Photo of the ZOOM Table Read I’m doing with Maria Elena Rodriguez. Actors include Julie Carmen. Karina Castillo, Rick Najera, Ric Salinas, Maria Elena Laas, Joseph Henderson, Tru Collins, Lavetta Cannon, Oye Ehikhamhen, and Aaron Burleson.
“As is our city and the world, I am #SaferAtHome and #WashingMyHands. I’m fortunate to live near a beautiful city park and walk the dogs there daily with hubby Dan. I’m cooking up a storm, and have added televised yoga classes to my morning routine. I’m trying new recipes and just added televised yoga classes for my morning routine. Quarantine motto: Use this time well. With fellow WGA writer, Maria Elena Rodriguez, we continue to develop our half-hour workplace dramedy inspired by the HomeGirl Café, a division of Homeboy Industries. As my favorite new meme says, “When things go awry, yell “Plot twist!” and move on.”
Mauricio Mendoza and Yeniffer Behrens (Husband/Wife Team) Actors | Producers | Writers

Mauricio Mendoza, Yeniffer Behrens and their little girl
“Honestly, I must say that creating this 11:11 AM high vibration portal into our virtual community has given us purpose and structure during this surreal quarantine. We are very present to how blessed we all are that this is happening now, during the information age. And, we get updates through my baby sister who is our real-life “superhero”, an RN in the ER, graveyard shift. She keeps us on point… making sure we stay home, use Clorox, stay hydrated, sunbathe daily to get Vit D. We are so grateful for all the love and support we keep seeing on social media.”
Lydia Nicole, Actor | Producer | Director

Lydia Nicole
“During this time of “shuttering in place”, I get up every morning, pray, and thank God for all the blessings during this time. Then I work, create, and churn out Common Sense Mamita content. I have been limiting TV news and rather than watching and listening to great podcasts and sermons. For the first time in years, I have been able to take naps during the day. I am also loving seeing photos of how the earth is healing itself because humans are staying put. Also, instead of hitting the panic button, I have been using it to be productive and proactive. I have been decluttering my home and tweaking my goals for the year. It has been very healing in many ways. Get creative in crisis.”
Edward Enriquez-Cohen, Productions | Publicity

Edward Enriquez-Cohen
“Although stress and worry is something that is inevitable during this time I soon realized, it’s so not worth it. This invisible monster we are fighting wants to find its way in any way it can and I was allowing myself to become vulnerable to it. So instead, I’ve genuinely taken this time to not just work and allow this negative energy that has surrounded us to consume me. But instead, remember what’s important and focus on that which I haven’t done for years. Taking the time to be better to myself such as exercising, meditating, and most importantly reconnecting with my loved ones even if it’s virtually. In doing so, I feel this crisis has forced not just me, but all of us to step back and reflect on what’s easily forgotten. That positivity, calmness, love and genuinely being there for one another will get us through anything. Take the time to give yourself a hug and remember, we’re not alone!”
Alejandro Patiño, Actor | Producer | Art Department

Alejandro Patino
“I’m very optimistic about the outcome at the end of the Tunnel. We will Survive. Life will go on to a new Normal in our Society. One of my favorite movie quotes from Galaxy Quest. Never Give Up. Never Surrender. Let us now prepare for what’s to come. Let us live like there is no tomorrow. And love life and all around, for we are only here for a short time.”
Brenda Herrera, Publicist | Public Relations

Brenda Herrera
“Now is the time we have to come together and support those who have been most impacted by this global pandemic. We are doing our part to shed a light on the needs of these vulnerable communities and we are committed to providing solutions to meet those needs. We are working tirelessly with our clients to donate food, funds, and resources to those affected in hopes of lifting them up when they feel the world is crashing down on them. We hope to inspire others to do the same. A little love goes a long way…”
Carlos Carrasco, Rochelle Newman (Husband/Wife Team) Actor | Producer | Director

Carlos Carrasco and wife Rochelle Newman
“Maybe if we were writing this just a week ago, there would have been more of an “oh, woe is me” tonality – but recently we lost two dear friends, the actor Felipe Gorostiza, and Diane Rodriguez. No words. I know there are others who have been hit hard by this. It’s all about perspective. Rochelle and I (and our dog Squink) are making the best of this time. We are incredibly busy Zooming with family in Panama and we even had a Zoom Seder this year. It’s a very interesting time for creation and innovation, expression, and reflection. Our focus is on turning on the healing qualities of art, challenging the status quo, and staying healthy. “
Jasmin Espada, Publicist | Public Relations

Jasmin Espada at Cannes 2019
“The health crisis has made Espada PR an impromptu hub for TV production as producers can’t go to their studios. We have been producing daily content and TV segments for networks such as Telemundo, Univision, Quibi, NGL Collective, Roku, Apple & Google News, international press and print media. We have kept our clients busy and in the news. On a daily basis, we connect/monitor interviews via teleconferencing and have even deigned sets at clients’ houses for better visuals. In other words, we were able to regroup fast and not become the effect of the situation.”
Walter Dominguez, Assistant Director | Director | Writer
“Just when you think you can’t take it anymore, something unexpected always happens that lifts your mood and gives you hope again. The tide eventually always turns for the better. So never give up.
Dave Silva, Actor | Writer | Producer

Dave Silva & his furry friend
“My daily routine starts with exercising, walks with our three dogs, reading and writing a little bit while listening to the music of The Beatles, my favorite band. I’ve been reading “Straight Out of Barrio Hollywood,” the autobiography of Frank H. Cruz (former college professor, television reporter, and Telemundo co-founder), a wonderful rags-to-riches narrative about never forgetting who you are and where you came from. The one thing that I’ve started doing since our isolation began that I’ve never done before is to write or call a single different family member or close friend on a daily basis. At the end of the day, I check in with my spiritual guide and pray that our global society comes out of this health crisis strong and secure when the time is right.”
Dennis Leoni, Writer | Director
“Staying home is not difficult for a writer like me who enjoys staying in his office all day, anyway. Being hunkered down and in front of my computer has always been my way of life, so this just gives me more time to read, write, and work on my projects. I hope everyone is healthy and safe and hopefully we’ll all get through this.”
Rudy Ramos, Actor

Rudy Ramos
“I am safe. Staying at home most of the time has given me the opportunity to sit quietly and revisit my spiritual self in the “garden of my heart.” That is something that always brings me much peace. I have also been listening to music I haven’t listened to in a while. Because I live in the hillsides of Newbury Park I get out daily and walk through the park to a hillside that is very steep. It is a great cardio workout and very quiet. Also, I have enjoyed all of the different videos on FB and Instagram from the artistic community. Very entertaining, creative, and inspiring on many levels. Everyone be smart and use your common sense. Stay safe and put the future in the hands of the CREATOR.”
Ana Lydia Monaco, Producer | Writer Director

Ana Lydia Monaco
“I’ve been working from home since 3/8 and quarantined since 3/12. My feature film development job went from full time to less than a day of work (a week) over the first weekend of the pandemic. Shortly after, I caught a virus and was nursing my illness for over ten days. After a couple of weeks, I got up ready to take charge and use my time as pre-production for my next film, Lola, in addition to my teen thriller film, The Academy, and a TV pilot El Lay. So, despite a rocky start being ill, I’ve had my hands full. It is tough working in this industry as all productions have been on lock-down.”
Rae Dawn Chong, Actor | Soundtrack | Director
“Isolate and protect yours. It isn’t safe until we can track and trace and TEST.”