Jorge Ramos Celebrates Accomplishments Throughout The Years With The John F. Hogan Distinguished Service Award
Washington– The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) will honor Jorge Ramos, anchor for Noticiero Univision and host of the Sunday public affairs show Al Punto, with the 2012 John F. Hogan Distinguished Service Award at the Excellence in Journalism Conference this September in Fort Lauderdale. Ramos joins the honorable list of the past recipients of this award including Christopher Glenn, Jack Shelley, Bob Priddy, Barbara Cochran, Walter Cronkite and Lara Logan. The award will be presented to Ramos at the Paul White and John F. Hogan Award Ceremony on Friday, September 21 at 5:15 P.M. EDT at the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa in Fort Lauderdale.
Named for the founder and first president of RTDNA, the “John F. Hogan Distinguished Service Award” recognizes an individual’s contributions to journalism and freedom of the press. “The Hogan is only awarded when an individual clearly upholds the values and principles we stand for as journalists,” said RTDNA Chairman, Kevin Benz. “Jorge Ramos’ body of work reflects his deep respect and sensitivity for human rights, journalistic independence and speaking for those most vulnerable. His voice in defense of the First Amendment’s application for all living in this country make him the perfect model for excellence with a new breed of journalism.”
The distinguished journalist has covered five wars (El Salvador, the Persian Gulf, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq) and has been a witness to some of the most important news stories of the last two decades, including the fall of the Berlin Wall, the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, 9/11 and the catastrophe of hurricane Katrina.
Additionally, he has interviewed some of the most influential leaders in the world: Barack Obama, John McCain, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Harry Reid, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, John Edwards, Al Gore, George Bush Sr., John Kerry, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez, Felipe Calderon and dozens of Latin American presidents.
Among Ramos impressive journalistic resume, Ramos has found time to pursue being the author of 10 books and bestsellers: Behind the Mask; What I Saw; The Other Face of America; Hunting the Lion; his autobiography, No Borders: a Journalist’s Search for Home; The Latino Wave; Dying to Cross; The Gift of Time; Letters from a Father and the children’s book I’m Just Like My Dad/I’m Just Like My Mom and A Country for All; An Immigrant Manifesto.

Ramos has also been a voice to promoting literacy among Latinos. In 2002 he created the first book club in the history of Hispanic television: Despierta Leyendo (Wake Up Reading).
With many accomplishments in Ramos’ hands, the eight-time Emmy award winner, has been recognized in numerous lists. He has been called Star newscaster of Hispanic TV and Hispanic TV’s No. 1 correspondent and key to a huge voting bloc by The Wall Street Journal. Other of his recognitions include in TIME magazine naming Ramos as one of the 25 most influential Hispanics in the United States and Newsweek including him in its list of 50 political and media figures. Also, a survey conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center found that Ramos is the second most recognized Latino leader in the country. Latino Leaders magazine chose him as one of The Ten Most Admired Latinos and 101 Top Leaders of the Latino Community in the U.S.
“Jorge Ramos represents excellence in our profession on so many levels. We’re delighted to be able to honor his myriad contributions to our business,” said Mike Cavender, RTDNA Executive Director.
Ramos came to the United States from Mexico as a student in 1983. In November 1986, at age 28, he became one of the youngest national news anchors in the history of American television. Since then, he has been called “the voice of the voiceless” for other immigrants like him. He has been with Univision since 1986.
Ramos holds a degree in communication at the Ibero-American University in México City and has a Master’s degree in International Studies from the University of Miami. The University of Richmond gave him an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters in 2007.
A reception honoring Ramos will follow the award ceremony. A ticket is required for the reception.
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