Free reading with Hector Elizondo, Mon., Jan. 7th, 7:30pm Los Angeles Theatre Center Downtown, L.A.
El Gallo Bravo is the former comandante of a Guatemalan penal colony in the 1980’s, who, with the help of a CIA buddy, fled Guatemala 30 years ago, and now runs El Gallo Bravo To Go, a chicken-to-go place in Corpus Christi. The play takes place on the night the granddaughter of two of El Gallo Bravo’s victims shows up unexpectedly, and El Gallo Bravo, confronted by the inescapability of history, shows us how easy it is for evil to justify and live with itself.
El Gallo Bravo To Go
Written & Directed by Edward Pomerantz

Edward Pomerantz wrote the movie Caught, based on his novel “Into It”, starring Edward James Olmos and Maria Conchita Alonso, directed by Robert M. Young, released by Sony Pictures Classics, and nominated for three Independent Spirit Awards. His plays have been produced in New York and at the Athens Fringe Festival. He teaches film writing at Columbia University and has received two Writers Guild Awards.
Cast Features:
Hector Elizondo — Enrique Escobar, aka El Gallo Bravo
James Karen — James O’ Shay Getz
Loreni Delgado — Yolanda
Charlie E. Schmidt — Kite
LeVance Tarver — Pilot