I love learning, I’m like a sponge” — Eva Longoria

A few years ago, when the name Eva Longoria was mentioned what came to mind is her outrageous, shameless and funny Gabby role on ABC’s Desperate Housewives. Then she was known for her life-saving, life-altertering charity work with Padres Contra El Cancer. Yesterday, when we heard Eva’s name we think: “The woman who got President Obama the majority of Latino votes!” But today, our lovely Ms. Longoria is adding her third directing gig to her resume!
Longoria just directed and starred in her short film, Out of the Blue as part of Canon’s “Project Imaginat10n” – a user generated photo contest helmed by Ron Howard where celebrity directors, including Eva, Jamie Foxx, Biz Stone (Twitter co-founder), Georgina Chapman (designer and co-founder of Marchesa) and James Murphy (founder of LCD Soundsystem) are directing short films inspired by consumer photos.

Eva Longoria, Ron Howard
Out of the Blue is the story of a tough, sexy woman fighting her way through a series of unique physical challenges to stop a mad man. The female character’s mission takes a surprising turn that leaves us wondering if it was all just a game. The film co-stars Amaurey Nolasco (Prison Break) and will premiere at Canon’s “Project Imaginat10n” Film Festival in Fall 2013.
Previously, Longoria had directed the short, A Proper Send Off (2011) and Latinos Living the American Dream (2010) which was her directorial debut. As Executive Producer, her credits include 12 titles including the documentary Food Chains (2013), Ready For Love (TV series, 2012), Devious Maids (Lifetime, 2012), The NCLR ALMA Awards (2011, 06-07 and 09) and The Harvest (2011-12).
Keep them coming, Eva! You’re an inspiration to the Latino community.
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