Equitas Entertainment’s Film, “Imprisoned,” is an Exemplary Model of Making Social Change Through the Lens of Entertainment

Benefit Screening In support of Puerto Ricans In Actions
Thursday, Oct. 25th
Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90023
Hollywood, CA, October 5, 2018 – On the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria devastating the island of Puerto Rico, Equitas Entertainment Partners announced they are hosting a benefit screening of their latest production, Imprisoned, and will donate contributions raised to aide Puerto Ricans In Action.
“The spirit of the Puerto Rican people is still unbending, but support has never matched the devastation to the island,” stated Paul Kampf, Imprisoned writer, director and co-founder, Equitas Entertainment Partners.
Kampf along with businesswoman, Holly LeVow, and Tom Sperry, launched Equitas Entertainment Partners in 2016. Equitas is a film production company with the unique and progressive mission to produce compelling and important projects that empower underserved voices in the film industry while closing the gender pay gap. Equitas has produced Best Fake Friends, and Imprisoned.
Imprisoned, is a tragic tale of two men whose past mistakes reunites them, while one of them wants redemption, the other seeks revenge. Laurence Fishburne III (The Matrix) plays the role of warden Daniel Calvin, and Colombian actor, Juan Pablo Raba (Narcos), portrays Dylan Burke, a wounded soul who has put his dark past behind him when he falls in love with Maria portrayed by fellow Colombian, Juana Acosta (Velvet). The diverse cast also includes Jon Huertas (This is Us), Esai Morales (How to Get Away with Murder), Edward James Olmos (Mayans MC), John Heard (Sopranos) and Ana Isabelle (Dementia 13).
“My focus as a filmmaker,” explained Kampf, “was to tell a story that challenges our notions of right and wrong. ‘Imprisoned’ is a revenge thriller wrapped around the heart of a love story that transcends time and geographical limitation.”
Imprisoned was the last film to complete principal photography before hurricanes Irma and Maria hit Puerto Rico. Equitas recruited local cast and crew for the production of the film and generously made personal donations to help them get through the aftermath immediately following the destruction of their beloved island. In continuing their efforts and keeping with their mission, Equitas has partnered with Puerto Ricans in Action, a 501c3 non-profit organization, to raise funds and make a significant monetary contribution to Hurricane Maria relief through donations made at this special event.
The festivities will kick-off with a red carpet parade and private reception for cast, sponsors and VIP’s, followed by the screening and Q&A with the filmmakers, cast, social impact specialists, industry executives and community leaders about the importance for filmmakers and content creators to produce projects that make a social impact on-screen as well as behind-the-camera. The evening will continue with a Puerto Rican themed celebration complete with live music, spirits and light fare.
The American Cinematheque screening of Imprisoned is also an opportunity for attendees to show their support for pay equality regardless of gender.
“Every time someone purchases a ticket at the box office for one of our films [Equitas], they have the assurances that the women—working in front or behind the screen, are getting paid equally as their male counterparts,” said Levow.
Proceeds of this benefit screening will be donated to the people of Puerto Rico to assist in their on-going recovery efforts. APERTURA Showcase and the American Cinematheque, or their programs, will not benefit from this screening. All, if any, tax benefits to sponsors and donors to this screening will be granted by Puerto Ricans in Action.
Imprisoned Benefit Screening
Thursday, October 25, 2018 Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA
To purchase tickets online, please CLICK HERE
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