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Discovery en Espanol Examines Most Iconic Inventions Of The Modern Era

The network premieres Como Inventamos el Mundo, a landmark series that reveals the fascinating stories behind the cell phone, the car, the airplane and the skyscraper

Discovery En Espanol

Miami, FL– Discovery en Espanol premieres Como Inventamos el Mundo (How We Invented the World), a landmark series that examines the four inventions that define the modern era: cell phones, cars, airplanes and skyscrapers.  Along with these creations, Como Inventamos el Mundo is also a celebration of determination, passion and human ingenuity. This four part series will air on Sundays at 7PM ET/4PM PT, beginning February 24.

Each episode reveals the fascinating story of these four iconic inventions of the modern age and celebrates the people and events that lead to their development. Showcasing the brilliant minds behind these innovations, the series highlights stories of ingenuity, extraordinary connections, and jaw-dropping experiments that have defined the world as we know it today and how it will be tomorrow.

In Como Inventamos el Mundo viewers will learn, for example, how the cell phone originated from an idea that sounds straight out of a science fiction movie, and how it evolved into the modern phones of today; how a group of engineers transformed the “Motorwagen” prototype into the super cars of our time; and which engineering feats gave way to the impressive skyscrapers that are an integral part of the greatest cities.

The series uses state-of-the-art filming techniques and cinematic CGI, and includes interviews with experts and celebrities from all over the world. Among them are Mexicans Mario Molina, scientist and Nobel Prize winner in chemistry; architect Enrique Norten and Emilio Azcarraga III, CEO of Televisa Group.

Episode Descriptions:

Skyscrapers – Sunday, February 24 at 7PM ET/4PM PT Tall buildings have captivated and inspired since the beginning of ancient societies. The Age of the Skyscraper has seen innovation and achievement, as well as its share of tragedy. These buildings are symbols of the success and progress of modern society.

Airplanes – Sunday, March 3 at 7PM ET/4PM PT If any invention symbolizes mankind’s triumph over its own physical limitation, it is flight.  From the first lift off with the American Fathers of Flight to remotely piloted aircraft, mankind has conquered the skies through commercial use and space exploration.

Cell Phones – Sunday, March 10 at 7PM ET/4PM PT With over 5 billion in use worldwide, cell phones are an indispensable communication tool. From the earliest model in 1970s New York to the current innumerable models and features, this episode explores how “smart” phones have evolved and what we can expect in the future.

Cars – Sunday, March 17 at 7PM ET/4PM PT Cars are a necessity of modern society. They make up one of the most important and lucrative industries and are considered a symbol of social status.

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About Discovery en Espanol Discovery en Espanol is the Spanish-language voice of Discovery. It is the premier network dedicated to offering the finest in quality programming in the areas of science and technology, world culture and history, nature and wildlife as well as real-life drama. Created by the world’s most trusted media brand, Discovery en Espanol translates not just the words, but the feeling of Discovery, educating and engaging audiences nationwide with fascinating glimpses into the incredible world they inhabit. For more information, visit or follow us on


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