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Calling all Latino TV writers

Are you an aspiring television writer? Do you want to hone your scriptwriting skills?

Would you like the opportunity to meet and work with other writers as well as network with key individuals working in the entertainment industry? If so, then the NHMC TV Writers Program is right for you!

The television writer’s workshop focuses on the writing of an original TV pilot conducted in an environment that simulates a TV Writers Room. The five-week, total immersion, paid workshop is guided by former NBC V.P. of Script Development, Geoff Harris and is conducted in Studio City, California. A total of 10 writers are accepted nationwide from an established network of non-profit agencies, schools, universities, guilds and media organizations. The goal is for writers to develop the skills necessary to obtain employment in the industry.

Visit for more information and to apply.

Submission deadline is August 7, 2016.

The National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) is a media advocacy and civil rights organization for the advancement of Latinos, working towards a media that is fair and inclusive of Latinos, and towards universal, affordable, and open access to communications.


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