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Call for Submissions: Latino Content Driven Projects

Shout-out to Latino Content Makers— LHC Is Your Online Streaming Site!

First Open Call for Submissions

LatinHeatCinema, an American online streaming platform set to launch in March, is putting out it’s first of two bi-annual open call for submissions.  LHC is currently seeking finished media content by Latino content makers and/or Latino driven content to add to our growing inventory of TV series, short films, feature films, and web series.  

LHC  is a streaming service aimed at both the 54 million-strong U.S. Latino market as well as worldwide audiences.  Latino filmmakers who own their content and are interested in the monetization potential are invited to submit their work.

Open Submissions: February 6

Deadline:  February 20th

— Only 10 projects will be selected.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Filmmaker(s) must hold full ownership of content

  2. Must Submit project info:  (format, length, genre)

  3. Submit Synopsis with Cast & Crew, Director / Producer Credits

  4. Film Festivals competed in or screened, at and any Awards won

  5. Link and password to view film

For more info:


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