In attendance to lend support this past Saturday at the star studded premiere of the new animated series La Golda executive produced by Judy Reyes, were Devious Maids cast members Edy Ganam, Ana Ortiz, Tom Erwin, Rebecca Wisocky, and Susan Lucci. Also in attendance at the Crest Theater in Westwood were Lisa Vidal (BET’s Being Mary Jane) and La Golda’s newest cast member Hector Bustamante.
Multidimensional actress, Reyes has now added Executive Producer to her resume with the new animated children’s series La Golda. After visiting orphanages with her young daughter during a family trip to Latin America, Reyes and her partner George Valencia were inspired to create a new bilingual animated series starring an orphaned heroine who leads social causes across the world through her love of soccer. Devious Maids co-star Roselyn Sanchez and her husband, actor Eric Winter (Witches of East End) were quick to jump on board as co-executive producers and together they started a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to produce the pilot. Fan support poured in and the group quickly raised over $70,000. United Healthcare’s volunteer initiative Do Good Live Well partnered up with the team to screen the pilot episode in New York City.
Reyes was also recently nominated, along with all her Devious Maids cast mates for an Imagen Award for Best Actress/Television which be held on Friday, August 1st at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.