Actress on the peak of her TV and film career when diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – Filmed her painful journey in groundbreaking documentary about curing cancer through alternative medicine.
By Mary Chuy
I have never met actress Lourdes Colon in person, but we have many mutual Facebook friends, and that is how I got to know her… via social media. One day I came across one of her posts and oh, what a blessing it was! She was asking for donations so she could continue with her battle against cancer. I read her story and immediately felt such immense admiration for her courage and conviction to fight with passion for her life! Lourdes grabbed my heart and in that instant I made a commitment that I would do my part to help her as she fought this terrible disease.
Here is the incredible thing about Lourdes she has no idea how much her plea has helped me. It is no secret about my every day struggle with depression and there are days when I feel I just can’t go on any more and it is always on one of those days that I read another Lourdes Colon social media post and her words and enthusiasm are like shock therapy for me. How dare I take for granted this one and only life we are gifted with! Lourdes is one of those human beings who has no idea how much she has impacted my life simply by reading her posts. I always tell her how much I admire her and how much she inspires me and she still insists she has no idea why.
A few months ago, Lourdes asked me to help identify and secure sponsors for the premier of her documentary, Create Option C, My Journey With Cancer. Lourdes has a always felt she was meant to do something greater, make an impact on the world somehow… and, she believed that her way of doing so was through the media. As she continued to feel that her purpose had yet to be accomplished she asked the universe through prayer and meditation for the answer and the answer came the day that she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
I am privileged to write about her story and about her quest to finish her documentary, which is described as a “raw real journey through cancer promoting the curing of cancer through alternative medicine.” I wholeheartedly support her project and encourage others to consider making a contribution at:
Aside from the Indiegogo campaign there are other fund raising events:
Chicago Area:
Come on out, buy lunch and watch some footage of Lourdes’ (aka Tita) documentary Create Option C, My Journey with Cancer and meet with Tita and a special guest appearance by Illinois State Rep. Rita Mayfield a dear friend and supporter.
Date: Sunday, August 25th 2013 Time: 12:00 PM Location: Puerto Rican Society Addres: 150 south Sheridan Rd Waukegan, ILL 60085 For more Chicago event info, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/218682514956454/
All the money funded will go to the post production of the documentary and getting it to as many film festivals as possible in the hopes of making this documentary big enough and spread wide enough to move people and help others in this journey. We hope this will push the sponsorship and donation for alternative cancer treatment forward and provide the means for further research through the input of lovely benefactors who believe in finding cures.
About Lourdes’ Cancer and Treatment
Having been surrounded by cancer through many of her loved ones and lost friends to the disease, Lourdes felt that the current system for treating cancer was flawed and too harsh on the human body that it does more harm than good. After watching the people she cared most about in her life disintegrate before her eyes, Lourdes knew two things when the doctor gave her the news: that she was not going to blindly follow a flawed system to her cure, and that she had her opportunity to make a difference on the world. Lourdes decided to do a documentary about her journey through cancer.
Lourdes chose Option C… the alternative about owning the cancer that a person has and doing the research and work to do what the patient feels is best for them. For Lourdes this meant natural healing through nutrition and detoxing.
Since September of 2012 Lourdes has been cancer free and getting stronger every day. Recently she was awarded the 2013 “Latina Of Influence award” by Hispanic Lifestyle. A well earned and deserved recognition.
The documentary has received incredible feedback from various film festivals and gained celebrity interest because this is a never before seen truth behind the life altering journey of cancer and how it changes a person, all it’s ups and downs its phases, its pain and happiness. It’s raw. It’s real. The film will prepare you with alternative options should cancer find its way into your body.
Option C creates awareness about other alternative cancer treatments and speak to those who have endured the same journey as Lourdes.
About Lourdes Colon
Just before she became ill, Lourdes was working on Without a Trace in the role of Ana Rodriguez and had actually been considered for an EMMY nomination. Today she is cancer fee and through her journey, she has already impacted many lives by her incredible display of courage, strength and perseverance. To read more about Lourdes’ career, visit: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0173122/
It is my privilege and honor to reach out to everyone I can through this article and my social media efforts to see that her dream of finishing this documentary and bringing it to us is realized.
Option C Film and Nosotros Connection
This project is proudly being fiscally sponsored by Nosotros (www.nosotros.org) a 501c3 non-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Nosotros’ message is that aside from supporting Lourdes with her film, is the fact that the project delivers life saving, altering information and generates awareness of alternative life saving methods to beating cancer.